Welcome to our church and its healing services!
We welcome you to our in-person services at the church or via the online Zoom format. The whole community is warmly invited to attend. We look forward to connecting in fellowship with friends, family and visitors. The hours of our services are listed below. If you wish to join the Zoom services, please contact the Clerk of our church so you can be added to our mailing list to receive the link to each service. The Clerk can be reached via email at fccsmi@hotmail.com.
Sunday Services
Our Sunday services feature a Lesson-Sermon from our Pastor, the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. The topic is always one of 26 subjects covered twice a year, with churches around the world reading, studying, and praying with the same topic during the week. We join in hymn singing, share prayers together, and enjoy a solo, all in support of the Lesson-Sermon. This healing service begins at 10:00 A.M. and lasts for one hour.
Wednesday Evening Testimony Meetings
The Wednesday evening testimony meetings begin at 7:30 PM and include readings from the Bible and our Textbook, Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, on helpful inspirational subjects. Time is given for those attending to express gratitude for God’s care, and give testimonies of experiences and healings from prayer, study, and the application of Christian Science.
Location of church services
2864 77th Avenue SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040